Remote monitoring and management software (RMM) is software that is used by organizations that offer IT services to monitor the client end-points, networks, and processors of an organization remotely. Many organizations today do not need to have their network equipment located in multiple locations. When switches, routers, servers, and other network equipment are installed in geographically dispersed locations, it becomes a challenge for the organization to manage their network effectively and efficiently. Organizations are embracing telecommuting; hence, they need the challenges they face with the network they are using to be solved by IT experts without meeting physically. The RMM is deployed through the installation of the software footprint called an agent on the workstations, mobile devices, servers, and other end-points of the client. These are some of the benefits of using the RMM software in your business.

The RMM software allows you to monitor the activities of the offices of your business that are in different locations remotely. You can manage the devices that are in each office. You can get alerts whenever a problem arises. If an employee misuses the device of an office, you will get alerts from anywhere you are, and you can track the device that is being misused. This increases the productivity of the employees and prevents losses that arise from the misuse of devices because employees are aware that they are being tracked.

Your IT staff who are at a central location can troubleshoot problems on devices that are in offices which are distances away.  They can monitor the problem central time and so then immediately. They are able to improve customer satisfaction because there are no delays. If an employee or customer experience is a problem with the system, the IT experts will solve it for them immediately. 

When IT experts can access the devices remotely and solve problems, security is enhanced. They can also implement central security measures that use of devices which are in different locations should adhere to. For example, the server at the central location can store all the passwords of employees who access the system so that if the system notices something fishy, it will block the user from accessing data or performing tasks on the system. The IT experts will then solve the problem from wherever they are to give the blocked user access if the situation is not alarming. They can also implement central security measures such as using Firewall-As-A-Service (FWAS) to protect data that is stored in the cloud servers, which is accessed by devices of employees from different locations. For more information, click on this link: